Better Solutions, Service, and Prices Since 1945
Distributor, Broker, Importer, and Processor
(309) 787-4488
The majority of the products we stock are listed on the PRODUCTS link. Use this to help fill out our order form. At this time, you may order in one of the following ways:
ONLINE ORDERING: CLICK HERE Open the form and order directly online. Type in your information and submit it to our company.
CALL: Call us at 309-787-4488
FAX: Print out the form and fill it out and fax us at 309-787-4501
MAIL: Print out the form and fill it out and mail us at:
7810-42nd Street West
Rock Island, IL. 61201
EMAIL: Email your product order with out using the form and send it to [email protected]
Let us know if you would like a customized order guide to use for this purpose.
First time customers: Complete and submit or fax the Application for Credit, which you will find here.